Do Healthy Addictions Exist?


Most of us are addicted to something. How many people can say they have not judged an addict they may have seen in the street without ever contemplating their own addictions? That may shock you and you may think that your addictions are harmless and valid. They may well be, but they are still addictions.


The term ‘addicted to’ is used so freely, so how do you determine at what point a healthy habit becomes an unhealthy addiction?


Addictions come in many forms; relationships, food, work, money, gaming, caffeine, exercise, meditation, social media and so on. Most are enjoyed within boundaries, but some extend beyond that. Judging where on that continuum your addiction lies is complex and the key to unlocking the psychology of a healthy addiction.

What Is Addiction?

Addiction is any behaviour that gives temporary relief or pleasure, it feeds off short termism.


The problem is that there is no long term foresight. It is only the relief in the present that the subject of the addiction offers. So in the long run the behaviour causes harm and potentially has negative consequences, yet despite these consequences, the person is unable to stop that behaviour.

How Can ‘Healthy Addictions’ Be Harmful?

Consider two healthy habits that give humans pleasure:


  1. Addiction to the most wholesome of things, pure altruism. How can being addicted to helping others be harmful? Well, perhaps it begins to spill over into personal life affecting relationships, clouding judgement. This then starts to become more dangerous and should raise a flag.

  2. What about the addiction to staying fit? It offers fantastic physical benefits and mental endorphins. Bu then this addiction topples over into obsession with appearance and performance to the extreme that you do not take time to recover, eat well or lose too much weight, this becomes unhealthy mentally and physically.

Is Pleasure Seeking Harmful?

Addictions become thus because usually they are pleasurable and there is certainly nothing wrong with that! Hell, life should be full of pleasures. But can you control consumption of this stimulus? Is this addiction at the expense of something else in your life?


For a behaviour to remain as a positive, pleasurable and healthy habit it should have these qualities:


  1. You are always in complete control of the choice

  2. It is time limited

  3. It is non competitive and does not rely upon others to fulfil

  4. The benefits derived from the activity spill into others parts of your life positively


Thus ensuring your pleasurable experience is a controlled habit, can mean that you have a “healthy addiction”.

Check your addictions

  • Which daily behaviours and habits do you rely on to get through your day?

  • Think about what the habit is fulfilling for you, how does it make you feel?

  • List alternative solutions

  • Agree a first step action plan for yourself to break the addiction

The Balancing Act

To check whether you have a healthy or unhealthy addiction, the first step is to identify the potential issue.  A well used word in psychology is ‘balance’ and when applied to addictive behaviours it becomes the critical factor, so ask yourself the question “is that habit a balanced part of my life?”


This is the fine line where you have full awareness of your behaviour and how it impacts your life and the lives of those around you.


And always remember that the journey to achieve, and then to maintain balance, can be lifelong and constant, and never be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

I wish you all the best,
