Day 7 - ready for a challenge?

Let’s have some fun!


DAY 7 - Use Your Non-Dominant Hand

What to Try:
Engage in a brain exercise by using your non-dominant hand for simple tasks like eating, writing, or brushing your teeth TODAY :)

How to Implement It:

  • Choose one or two simple tasks each day where you can use your non-dominant hand.

  • Start small: Try eating with your non-dominant hand or writing with it for a few minutes.

  • Gradually incorporate other tasks over the next few days.

Why It Works:
Using your non-dominant hand challenges the brain in unique ways, forcing it to build new neural connections. According to neurobiologist Lawrence Katz, this type of "neurobic" exercise can improve brain fitness and mental agility. It strengthens the brain by forcing it to adapt to a new way of thinking and engaging with the environment.