Always feeling tired and not enough energy…


Always feeling tired and not enough energy…

…to cope with my emotions

…to be productive at work

…to go to social events

…to be a good mum

…to not feel overwhelmed all the time

Do any of these statements resonate with you?

If you find yourself nodding along, you're far from alone. We live in a world that seems to demand more and more of us, leaving us stretched thin and perpetually exhausted. The hamster wheel keeps turning, and you're running on fumes, wondering if there's a way out.

In this article, we'll explore the roadblocks that have you always feeling tired and offer tangible solutions to rediscover your energy and take back control of your life. 

I want you to know that there is a solution to feeling overwhelmed with life. You deserve vitality, joy and to feel connected. Let's make it happen!

Always feeling tired? Learn to replenish your energy

We all have those days when we wake up feeling like we've run a marathon in our sleep. But if you find yourself always feeling tired, it might be time to investigate what's stealing your vitality. 

Let's explore some common culprits of why you’re tired all the time and discover ways to recharge and revitalise:

  • Poor sleep and the power of a sleep routine: We all know that quality sleep is vital. Personally, it’s my favourite and most important tool for replenishing my energy. Running on inadequate rest is like trying to function with a 10% battery all day. Embracing practices that promote regular, restful sleep can be transformative. Consider adopting a calming bedtime routine, such as reading or doing some gentle stretches.

  • Unbalanced diet meets proper nutrition: Ever felt your energy plummet after a meal of junk food? Think of food as your body's fuel. Filling up with low-quality ingredients will undoubtedly leave you empty. However, consuming a balanced diet filled with whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables can serve as high-octane fuel, ensuring you're ready to face the day's challenges with gusto.

  • Stress, anxiety, and the relief of mindfulness: These psychological pressures can be silent but potent energy drainers. Imagine the chronic stress as a heavy weight you're lugging around all day. To counteract this, incorporating mindfulness and connection into your routine can work wonders. Techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or simply taking a refreshing walk can provide respite and rejuvenation.

  • Personal neglect vs. pursuing passions: Overlooking personal needs can steer you towards burnout. Conversely, diving into activities you're passionate about – be it painting, reading, dancing, or sports – can serve as vital energy boosters. These aren’t just pastimes; they play a pivotal role in rejuvenating your spirit, making you feel alive and connected.

  • The pitfall of doing too much: I once had a client who wanted to do it all. Her internal dialogue was riddled with: "I never have enough time”. These thoughts stemmed from deeply ingrained core beliefs about her self-worth. Despite her aspirations for a holistically healthy life, her internal criticisms overshadowed everything, pushing her to want to do everything, spreading herself too thin. Setting realistic expectations for yourself is essential for your well-being. It's okay to step back, take breaks, or say 'no'. Understand why you have the need to do it all and learn not to tackle everything simultaneously.

Understanding the balance between what drains and refills your energy is crucial. As you journey towards a more energised self, remember that it's a continual process of learning and adapting.

Feeling overwhelmed with life? How to nurture energy

Through my work as a psychologist, I’ve met amazingly driven and ambitious people. One particular client came to me who wanted to do it all. She wanted to rise early, engage in daily exercise, maintain a journal every morning, practice meditation and opt for a wholesome diet where every lunchtime meal was curated according to her preferences. As the sun set, she wanted to go to the gym and be a good mum to her family. She wanted to do ALL of these things and was putting so much pressure on doing these things that she’s always feeling tired and feeling overwhelmed with life. 

It was coming from a place of constant dissatisfaction that we should do more. And she wasn't giving herself the permission to try to achieve less because she didn't like that. Overwhelm can come in many colours - even behind good intentions. But if you learn to take a step back and reflect, you’ll realise the root of the overwhelm and learn that overcoming is all about nurturing your energy. 

Here are some ways you can combat feeling overwhelmed with life:

1. Setting Boundaries: Imagine your energy as a precious garden; without a fence, anything can wander in and trample the flowers. Setting clear limits is like building that protective fence around your well-being. It's about saying no when you need to, prioritising your needs and not overextending yourself. These boundaries preserve your energy, allowing you to thrive.

2. Self-Care Practices: Self-care isn't just a trendy buzzword; it's an essential tool in your energy toolbox. Think of it as watering that garden we talked about earlier. Activities that nourish your body and soul keep you flourishing. Whether it's painting, a bubble bath, a yoga session, or just a leisurely stroll, these pursuits are your lifeline to feel connected with yourself. What's your go-to self-care practice? If you're not sure, let's explore together and find what lights you up.

3. Mindfulness Techniques: Being present might seem like a mystical concept, but it's incredibly grounding and energising. Mindfulness is like sunshine for your soul. Simple techniques like deep breathing, meditation or even journaling can anchor you in the present moment and make you feel connected. 

Feeling overwhelmed with life and always feeling tired come hand-in-hand. But they don’t have to be your constant companions. Most of my clients grapple with overwhelming feelings due to a lack of time and a yearning to achieve everything immediately. But sometimes it's not about doing more; it's about understanding oneself better and learning to nurture your energy the way that works best for you.

Take back control: How to recharge

Lists are great, right? But how often do those "should do" lists end up buried, leaving you tired all the time AND feeling guilty? Just like how it happened with my client, this constant feeling of “I need to do everything” can be a source of overwhelm.

Let's try something different.

In my work with this client, her internal dialogue was filled with self-doubt, pushing her to want to do everything and leaving her always feeling tired. To counter this, we shifted our approach. Instead of an immediate, overarching change, we initiated a gentle process, starting with just five minutes of meditative stretching every day. This practice wasn't just about physical flexibility; it was about connecting with herself, grounding her beliefs in the present, and recognising that "now" was good enough.

Over time, our strategy shifted from doing everything at once to gradual adjustments. What needed immediate attention? Sleep? Diet? She learned not to tackle everything simultaneously. Instead of being fixated on immediate solutions, we aimed for the right timing. Nowadays, she wakes up feeling rejuvenated most mornings and follows a more flexible routine. Her approach is more introspective, focusing on what she genuinely needs.

You don’t need lists: This flowchart is a practical tool that guides you through your needs and readiness to change. Instead of a list of things you "should" do to recharge, this model walks you through habits that help you rejuvenate. 

Save the flowchart and use this as your new guide to recharging with purpose.

The flowchart looks at activities you can participate in to recharge your energy, like nature, movement, community and connection, and gives you options on what you can do depending on time, schedule, and opportunity. It’s not a list of “should do” but a flexible routine catered specifically for you.

Always feeling tired and feeling overwhelmed with life aren’t a life sentence. By using the practical tools above, you can recharge and take back control of your life, and finally feel connected with yourself once more.

Feel connected: Schedule your priorities

It's easy to lose connection with what truly matters. You might find yourself running from one task to another, losing touch with yourself and the people who mean the most to you. But what if I told you that scheduling isn't only about meetings and deadlines? It's a path to feeling connected and whole. 

How do you do this? By following the wise words of Steven Covey:

“The key is not to prioritise what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” 

Scheduling isn't only about managing time; it's about honouring what's truly important. Here are a couple of useful tips to take back control of your schedule:

1. Scheduling Self-Reflection: Set a regular date with yourself to assess your personal goals, feelings and growth. Just like a car needs regular tune-ups, you need time to reflect and align with your true path. Whether it's a weekly journaling session, a quiet walk, or even a dedicated moment of meditation, creating space for self-reflection reconnects you to your inner compass. 

2. Prioritising Relationships & The Magic of Co-Regulation: Think of your relationships as beautiful gardens. Without attention, they can wither. Investing time and energy in meaningful connections isn't a 'nice to have'; it's a 'need to have'. When we share space and intention with others, we co-regulate. From a coffee catch-up with a friend to a tech-free evening with family, these are the moments that feed your well-being. Guidance on nurturing relationships might sound like common sense, but how often do we prioritise them? Make a commitment to regularly water those relationship gardens, and watch them bloom.

Feeling like you need support in reconnecting and scheduling what matters most? That's where I come in. Learn to take control of your time, your schedule, and your life in my upcoming workshop.

Here we’ll discuss strategies to align with your values, nurture your connections and create a life that doesn't just look good on paper but feels fantastic in your heart.


Always feeling tired doesn't have to be your status quo. Life doesn't have to be a constant battle against fatigue. You don’t have to end up feeling overwhelmed with life. By nourishing your body, taking time to feel connected with yourself and scheduling what truly matters, you can take back control and create a life that's not just about surviving but thriving.

Here's a quick recap on the main takeaways:

  • Identify Energy Drains: From poor sleep to overcommitting - understand why you’re always feeling tired.

  • Boost Energy Sources: Nourish your body with proper nutrition, sleep routine and pursue personal passions.

  • Nurture Inner Strength: Set boundaries, practise self-care and employ mindfulness techniques.

  • Recharge Your Batteries: Use the flowchart to make changes, take breaks and rediscover hobbies.

  • Schedule Your True Priorities: Focus on self-reflection and nurture important relationships.

Feeling ready to take the next step but need a helping hand? It's absolutely normal and even wise to seek professional support. 

Join my workshop in September and unlock your energy! Discover key strategies to increase and nurture your energy. Interact, learn, and grow with others who are on the same journey as you. Together, we'll explore tailored exercises, share experiences, and create actionable plans that will stop you from always feeling tired.

Remember, taking care of yourself isn't selfish; it's essential.